© San Carlo SNS 2019
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Working together as a school community, we are prioritising wellbeing in the 2018-2019 academic year and ensuring that pupils in San Carlo SNS feel safe and happy in school. In October we officially opened our Nurture Room. Our Nurture group was very excited when Susan Gibney, from Nurture Ireland, came to visit our school for the official opening.
Our Nurture Group starts everyday together in the Nurture Room. They enjoy a range of activities which include: Circle Time: First thing every morning the children gather on our comfy cushions and couch for circle time. They share their news and play various different games. The children explore different feelings they may have and are encouraged to think of others feelings too. This is a picture of The Blob Tree and The Feelings Wall which help the children talk about their feelings. Target Setting: The children have learned to set targets for themselves in their classrooms and their lives at home too. These goals are analysed by their teachers and by the children themselves every day, to monitor progress. The children are rewarded for achieving these goals. They decide on the rewards they would like such as a sweet treat, extra playtime with a friend, hot chocolate or a homework pass. Breakfast Club We host a breakfast club each Friday morning in the Nurture Room. We eat toast together, topped with butter or jam (or nutella on special occasions!) We enjoy a glass of milk or water with our breakfast. During this meal time the children chat about their highlights from the week and their plans for the weekend. We also play games like “I Spy”.
The children also practice skills such as using table manners, setting the table, using cutlery appropriately and washing/drying dishes. Artwork: The children engage in art activities relevant to the topics they have been learning about. The following artwork was completed by the children this term. Quiet Time: In nurture group the children are encouraged to have some quiet time to think and reflect on their feelings/behaviour. Meditation is used to give the children an opportunity to relax and take some time out. A quiet space has been set up in the classroom for children to go to also. The following picture shows the quiet space in the nurture room. Yoga We are very lucky to have a yoga lesson with Ms. Kirwan every week. They have already learnt lots of new poses like the cobra, downward-facing dog, tree pose, and many more strange and wonderful shapes and movements!
Yoga is an important tool for children to learn how to use their bodies to find a sense of strength and calm within. We also teach breathing and relaxation techniques in the yoga class that the children can use at any stage during their day to help them feel all those lovely, fuzzy, good feelings that make our days go so much better. Group work: The children are encouraged to work together through play and engaging in group activities. We are learning to take turns, have patience and co-operate with others in the group by playing board games and card games. The children have been enjoyed playing ‘The Socially Speaking’ board game this term. Their favourite card games to play are “Go Fish” and “Snap”.
This week the Nurture group made ghosts made out of bamboo sticks, felt, plastic and white sheets. Then we put them out in the garden. The older Nurture group carved pumpkins and we put them out in the garden as well. We also decorated the herb wheel with warning tape and fake spider webs then we put the pumpkins in the middle of the herb wheel. So drop down to Scoil San Carlo’s garden and get spooked by the HERB WHEEL OF HORROR!!!!
The Junior Nurture Group had great fun doing Christmas arts and crafts and baking this month