Today Adam and Robert and Michael went to the garden to help Deirdre to
prepare the beds for planting. Some of the beds were in a terrible state
with weeds everywhere. We had to pull out all the weeds. We had trowels
to dig at the roots and that made it easier. Sometimes we had to use our
hands, but we were wearing gloves. We used the pitch-fork and the rake to
clear away the roots of the weeds too. The beds look much better now.
ird balls DIY tutori
by Eoin and Hazel
What you'll need:
Mashed potatoes
Mouldy bread
Bird seeds (or random seeds)
Pancake mix
Porridge oats
it may smell like a nightmare
so watch out!
We all mixed the supplies
Here's the tools:
Gloves, spoon,
Mix the supplies with the spoon.
Take the mixture and try turning it into
little balls.No need to cook or fry you put
it out into the bird feeders and that’s full
course meal- Enjoy Birds!
Our Bird feeders
This week Aaron and Conor made more
bird-food balls for the birds in the school
We made DIY ones and we also had some
that Ms. Mac Hugh bought in the shop.
We made them with porridge oats, bird
seeds and cooking fat. We rolled them
into little balls and put them into bird
feeders and then we put the ones from
the shop into bird feeders as well.
Then we went outside into the garden and
put the feeders in some new places like
on the trees and on the fences as well.
Now we are going to check  which ones are eaten
Happy New Year!
We went to check the garden after the Christmas break. The beds are
really overgrown with weeds and dead plants. The scarecrow was blown
down and the ground was very covered in dead leaves. We had to do a bit
of a clean up. We weeded out two of the beds and picked up dead leaves
and litter that had blown into the garden.
We were surprised to see that the daffodils are nearly ready to open!
When we checked the bird feeders they were all empty, so we gathered
them again for refilling.
Teacher had bought some heathers for the garden, but they’re only small
yet so we planted them together in a pot and put them in a sheltered spot
outside the classroom window where we can keep an eye on them.
We also got a new bird feeder which
attaches to a window. We filled it with
seeds and decided on which window to put
it on. We’re hoping we will see birds
coming to it.
Today we made some food balls for the
birds. We melted cooking fat in bowls and
added porridge oats, mixed bird seeds,
peanut butter and shredded brown bread.
We mixed all the ingredients together and
formed it into ball shapes. We put the food
balls into the bird feeders.
Then we took them out to the garden and
looked for the best spots to hang them.
Aaron and Conor decided to see what
would happen if they hung the feeders on the fence. Adam and Michael
hung theirs on high tree branches.
We haven’t had a chance to get out to the garden in a while, so we were
expecting things to be pretty bad. We were right!
We’ve lost a tree in the back of the garden area. It was blown down by
Storm Bronagh.It fell over the garden fence into the playing field at the
front of the school! It had to be cut up for firewood.
Anyway, today we brought out gloves and trowels and litter pickers and a
We used the litter pickers to collect all the litter that
blown into the garden.
With the trowels we ripped out all the dead flowers from
two of the beds.
Under the cover of all the dead leaves we found some
garden decorations which had been blown down also. We
brought them into the classroom to wash them.
There were too many dead leaves to deal with without a rake, so that’s
our job for the next time.
We went to the garden to see what had happened over the summer.
The first thing we noticed was that it was very overgrown and wild.
We checked the water butt and we were very glad to see it was filled to
the brim with water!
We did an audit on the jobs that needed to be done. Sharon helped us.
This is our list:
Weed the beds- all 8 of them.
Flip the soil we have there already and add some more.
Repair the scarecrow and think of a name for him.
Pick up the litter that has been blown into the garden.
Sweep up the dead leaves.
Plant new vegetables and flowers in the beds. (we’ll need  
to check out what is best for this time of year)
Teacher had bought a windmill, so we chose a place 
to stick it. Here it is in one of the flower beds. You
can see the soil is very dry because there hasn’t
been much rain lately. In fact, we used up the last of
the water in the water butt today!!
We are really pleased at how well our plants are doing
Yesterday we went out into the school garden.  We got the plant pots that
had dead plants in them. So Aaron emptied the pot and there was an ant’s
nest in the soil in the pot.  We saw ants carrying eggs. Then we saw the
tunnels that the ants made going around the side of the dry soil. We put
the soil back in the pot and added some more fresh soil. We planted some
spare tulip and narcissus bulbs in the pots and watered them. We lined
them up at the garden gate so we could keep an eye on them. Then we
watered the small trees in the pots at the edge of the car-park because
there hasn’t been much rain lately and they looked very dry.
09/05/18- The sunflowers seeds were ready so we took them to the garden
to replant them. We put them in the same bed as the chilli seeds. Then Ms
Sirr’s class came out and they had mange-tout growing in pots. We thought
it would be nice if they put the mange-tout in the same bed as the
sunflower and chilli seeds, so they did! Now there’s loads of plants growing
in there together.
02/05/18- We put our bird food balls into bird feeders and we hung them
up in the school garden.
Aaron used the spade to flip the dry soil over to make it damp again in one
of the flower beds. We took the chilli seeds from the mini-pots to the
garden because they hadn’t been growing. We planted them in a bed and
watered them. We’re hoping they might grow there.
Then we got a gift from a parent of a child in the after school club. Our
gift was a scarecrow. It was a happy scarecrow. We put him at the flower
beds at the back of the garden, and we now have to think of a name for
30/04/18 – We made more bird food balls for the bird feeders. We mixed
cooking fat with oats, seeds and peanut butter and then formed the
mixture into ball shapes.
18/04/18 – We put compost in to a bucket up to about halfway. We put in
 seeds. We covered the seeds with the rest of the compost. We
watered them and put them on the window sill to get the sun and grow
strong. We need to leave them there for about 2 to 3 weeks.
We checked the other flowers we had planted, the narcissus and the
tulips....this is what we found.
17/4/18- We opened packets of Gladioli ‘Buggy’ and ‘Fiorentina’ and we
read the instructions. We selected three each.  We got trowels and gloves
and went to the garden to plant the bulbs. We had to plant them 10 cm
deep, 8 to 10 cm apart.
8/2/18- We made fat-ball bird food. We melted butter. Then we added
oats, nuts, seeds, peanut butter and crushed walnuts. We mixed this all
together. We shaped them into balls and put them into the bird-feeders.
Then we went out and hung them in the garden for the birds.
6/2/18- We got peanut butter, bread slices and mixed seeds. We spread
the peanut butter on the bread and cut it into quarters. We dipped it into
bird seeds to cover them. Conor ate a seed...but he didn't like the taste.
We brought them out to the garden and put them down in different
5/2/18- We used grapes, oranges and ‘cheerios’ to make kebabs for the
birds. We used stitching needles and wool to make a line to put the food
on. We stuck the needle through the fruit and the ‘cheerios’ and made a
necklace of food. We brought them out to the garden and we hung them
up on trees.
2/2/18- We pruned some of the dead parts of the plants and we collected
all the bird feeders because they were empty. We brought them in for re-
filling. We checked the crushed plants in the hazel dome and they were
starting to strengthen and the tip was gone darker green.
30/01/18- The Post-Winter Inspection....
We went to the garden to check how things were after the winter. We
were very happy to see stems and stalks of some spring flowers such as
daffodils and the tulips and narcissus! We found bulbs that were uprooted
and we had to replant them. We found a crushed flower in the hazel dome
and moved a mushroom stool to get it into the light. We found the stand
for the water butt and we put it back under the butt. We attached the
pipe from the drain and put the cover back on top of the butt.
We made a list of things that need doing now.
15/11/17- Today we went to check the garden dome. We cleaned up lots
of leaves and put them into a pile behind a fence. We dug up blue
mushrooms and put them into the compost bin. We brought Miss Hogan out
to the garden to show her around and we explained to her all about the
6/11/17- After the mid-term break we went to check on the garden it was
a bit of a mess because the trees were shedding their leaves. We collected
all the leaves that were on the flower beds. We removed any stones from
the flower bed too.
12/10/17- So we went out to plant tulips and narcissus in our flower bed.
We planted these because they attract butterflies and bees. We dug holes
in the ground and we buried the bulbs under the ground. We planted two
types of Narcissus and three types of tulips.
Sunlover Double Late Tulip (Tulipa Sunlover) sports rich, sumptuous oranges
flecked with tangerine for color that shouts out across the landscape.
Double petaled, almost like a peony, these tulips are elegant garden stars.
Blooming in late spring, the flowers are spectacular, lushly petaled and
long lasting. At 16-18" tall they are gorgeous planted in a group or mixed
with other late season tulips. Plant plenty so you can enjoy them as cut
flowers too!
Darwin Hybrid Tulips are known for the HUGE
size of their brilliantly
coloured flowers. The blossoms are an almost perfect pyramid shaped
when closed, but they can measure as much as 15 cm in diameter when
fully opened.
Because of their long stems, lovely pyramid shape, and brilliant colours,
Darwin Hybrids are often considered the very best type of tulip to raise for
cut flowers. However, there are definite advantages to growing them for
beds and borders, especially in areas where they can be sheltered from
strong winds.
Key Information
Botanical name:
Narcissus 'Golden Dawn' /
Common name:
Plant type:
Bulb /
40cm /
‘Golden Dawn’ is a cup-shaped daffodil, with up to three flowers
forming on each stem. Petals are greenish yellow, which contrast
beautifully with a deep orange cup.
Narcissus small cupped sportsman
Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to
part shade. Flowers usually face the sun, so bulbs should be grown with
any shade areas at the rear of the planting. Good soil drainage is essential.
Best in organically rich loams. Soils should be kept uniformly moist during
the growing season. Plant bulbs in early to mid fall. 'Sportsman' is a large-
cupped daffodil (Division II).
‘Van Eijk’ is a Darwin hybrid tulip. These are all single-flowered and
brightly coloured varieties, with long-lasting flowers on strong stems.
Unlike many tulip cultivars, Darwin hybrids usually flower again for several
years after they were first planted, making them more reliable than other
‘Van Eijk’ has vibrant, dark pink-red, weather-resistant blooms. It’s a great
option for growing in containers and herbaceous borders, and works well
when grown with other tulips. It makes an excellent cut flower.
02/10/17 – We dug a big hole using a trowel. We held the Geranium
Rozanne by the stem. Then we tipped it upside down. Next we put the
plant into the huge hole. Finally we covered in around the roots with soil
but we had to hold the leaves and flowers up. We also planted two acorns
and another small seed in our outdoor tray.
This is Geranium Rozanne.
It grows to 60cm tall, with neat, dense foliage and bowl-shaped violet-blue
flowers 5cm wide, with a white centre, opening from early summer to
early autumn. It does not grow well in winter. It grows best in moist but
well-drained soil. It is deciduous which means that the leaves will fall off
in autumn.
This is Spirea -
Spiraea, is a genus of about 80 to 100 species of shrubs in
the family Rosaceae. They are native to the temperate Northern
Hemisphere, with the greatest diversity in Eastern Asia
15/09/17- We brought some soil and some chilli seeds into school. After
big lunch, we went down to Room 14 and put the soil into slots of a tray.
The chilli seeds were attached to a cardboard stick with a pointed end,
like an upside-down fence. We put them into the soil and then we watered
them with a small little cup because we didn’t have a spray. We put the
tray of seeds on the window sill. We will move them to Ms Mac Hugh’s
room when it is ready.
13/9/2017 – First we went and looked for soil. We found none so we took
some from the wheelbarrow with the flowers in the corner of the garden.
Next we got the trowel and gloves and the green tray with the seeds. We
took soil from the wheelbarrow and put it in the tray. We put the seeds in
the middle of each slot of the tray. We covered them with soil and watered
them using water that was over-flowing from the gutter. We got the water
on the trowel and poured it onto the slots while we were also cleaning the
trowel. We put the tray beside the fern because rain falls there and sun
shines there so it was the perfect spot.
5/9/2017 – We were out in the garden just having a look around and we
found the seeds lying in the strawberry bed. Then we picked them up and
we got the idea of planting them. We brought six inside and put them in a
green basket with a rock that looked like a fossil that we also found in the
By Adam On Tuesday 21st May we went to the school garden to clean around the flower beds and to plant some shrubs. First we took out all the weeds in the butterfly and bee bed, and put them in the compost. Then I got my rake and raked the muck. I then got my own trowel and dug a hole in the bed. I decided to plant the shrub in the middle of the bed because there were ant nests around the edge. First I planted the Buddleja Davidii (silver anniversary morning mist pier). I then filled the watering can with water from the water barrel in the garden and made sure to give the new shrub plenty of water. Then I planted the Lavandula/Lavender. Again I was careful not to plant at the ants nest. I then watered the new plant and the rest of the flower bed.
15/10/2019 These lovely autumn flowers are growing in our school garden at the moment 26/06/2019 Birds eating at the Bird feeder The bird feeder wasn't attracting any visitors on the classroom window. We reckoned it was because it opened out onto the busy yard. Laura at our Play school/ After school club very kindly offered to take the bird feeder to their window which opens onto our school garden. It wasn't long before they had a regular visitor as you can see from the photos.